Beginner Watercolor Misty Mountain

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Paint To Relax?

Can you really relax just by painting? The answer is yes! Whenever I paint, my mind relaxes and I completely focus on my art. One of the most relaxing painting techniques is glazing while using monochromatic colors. You don’t have to worry about all the colors you should use, you can just focus on one color, painting from light to dark. We are going to put this technique into practice by painting a misty mountain scene.

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Supplies You’ll Need:

  1. Flat Brush
  2. Medium Round Brush
  3. Two Glasses of Water
  4. Paper Towel
  5. Watercolor Paper
  6. Watercolor Paint
  7. Optional: Washi Tape

If you would like to see all the art supplies I recommend, check out, “My Supplies” page. Click HERE to check it out!

Let’s Paint!

Step 1:

Grab your large flat brush and let’s get started! Dip your flat brush into clean water and add an even gloss of water over your entire page. Next, mix together a very light wash of Ultramarine. Dip your flat brush into your light wash and paint in an even, flat layer over the entire page.

Wait until step one is completely dry before moving on to step two.

Step 1 in tutorial

Step 2:

Grab your medium round brush and mix more ultramarine and burnt sienna into your first mixture. Burnt sienna is an orange color, which is blue’s complementary color on the color wheel. (When you mix in any complimentary color it will darken your original color.) You want to make this new mixture one shade darker than your first layer. Use a scrap piece of paper to test out your paint color before applying it to the page. Once you are happy with your paint, use your round brush to create mountains starting one fourth of the way down your page.

How do you paint the mountain? Start at one side of your page creating a brush stroke slated up. When you reach the middle of the page create a rounded peak moving your brush slanted downward. Repeat this step to make a smaller peak right next to your first.

Wait until step two is completely dry before moving on to step three.

Step 2 in tutorial

Step 3:

Now we are going to add more ultramarine and burnt sienna to our paint mixture. You want this next layer to be a shade darker and also thicker than you’re last. Test out your color on your scrap piece of paper to make sure you like it. Once your color is to your liking, grab your medium round brush and let’s paint out the next mountain layer.

Start at about the same height as your second layer and create a brush stroke angling downward to create your first mountain peak. About halfway down your page stop and begin another brushstroke angling upward to create a second mountain. When your second mountain reaches the same height as the middle of the first mountain, angle your brush downward until it reaches the end of the page.

Wait until step three is completely dry before moving on to step four.

Step 3 in tutorial

Step 4:

Mix in even more ultramarine and burnt sienna into your paint mixture. This is going to be our darkest and thickest layer. Test out your color and let’s begin painting our last mountain.

This mountain is going to be small and positioned more toward the right side of the page, unlike the first three which cover the entire page. Start at the center of the bottom of the painting and create an angle brush stroke up. Use a wave-like motion to create three mountain peaks. The third peak should continue off the page. Once it’s all dry, you’re done!

Step 4 in tutorial


I hope you found it relaxing and enjoyable. Comment below letting me know what type of scenery you would like to paint next using monochromatic colors. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest. If you enjoyed this painting sign-up for regular newsletters from Reflecting Creation.

If you yourself are an artist that has a dream to share your artwork in a similar way I do, check out this FREE Start A Blogging Business 5 Day Course. This course will help you get your own blog up and running, and teach you how you can make money through it. If blogging is something you are even thinking about this course is FOR YOU! Click HERE to check it out for yourself. And, remember its FREE so what do you have to lose!

Hope To See You Again Real Soon!

24 thoughts on “Beginner Watercolor Misty Mountain

  1. Creative work with your hands and mind are extremely gratifying and relaxing to me. I didn’t do this for some time, but when I started working on a blog – it started those juices flowing again and really enjoyed it. I think the same happens with painting. Thanks you for your instructional approach. Loved it.

  2. I love painting, it’s so relaxing. Watercolor is so much trickier than other paint, at least it is for me. I even have a brand new set of watercolors and haven’t used them yet. I am definitely going to try this. Thank you so much for this post!

  3. This looks so great and like it’s actually something I could do, with your steps! I realized recently that I haven’t learned a new thing in a while, so my creative juices need to get flowing again.

  4. This was really cool and super easy to do.. I think anytime you do any craft where you’re actively doing something is a great way to relax and take your mind off of things. Nice job and good directions too! 👍🏼

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