Back to School Doodles | Bullet Journal

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Today I am really excited to share some cute back-to-school doodles to put in your bullet journal, planner, or just to doodle in your notebook. These are easy doodles that anyone starting out with a bullet journal can accomplish. Follow along with me below and I will show you how to draw some back-to-school doodles.

Full Video Tutorial

Supplies You’ll Need


Black Ink Pen

Bullet Journal

Open Book:

The first doodle we are going to draw is an open book. Start by drawing a very small curved line leave a little gap draw another one then connect the two with a small semi-circle.

Next, add a top to both sides of the book cover, and connect the top to the bottom. Also add a bottom to the book binding in the middle.

Lastly, we are going to add loose pages on top of our book cover. With a very light hand add two to three broken lines on each side of the binding working your way to the end of the book. You do not want your pages to go past the bookbinding. The pages should get shorter the higher up they get.


To start our pencil sketch draw a cylinder (only connect the bottom of the cylinder with a curved line) with a triangle on top.

Now we are going to add another circular line at the bottom o the pencil. Then draw a small circular rectangle on the end for the eraser.

To finish off the pencil doodle, ad a zig-zag line between the original triangle and the original cylinder, and cover-up up the tip of the triangle to create the pencil lead.


To sketch out the back pack doodle start by draw an egg like shape to create the base of the backpack.

Then add a rectangle to the center of the bottom half of the backpack, and a curved line with a little triangle on it to the center of the top half of the backpack.

Lastly, end a small rectangle on the top of the backpack with another small rectangle inside it. Then on either side of the backpack add a rectangle with a curved line connecting the top of the new rectangle to the center of the backpack.


The notebook doodle is a very easy one. You start with a basic rectangle.

Then add a little triangle on the top. Start the tip of the triangle at the rectangles point, then angle outward till you almost reach the end of the first rectangle.

Now, for the best part, add a curly-cue all the way down the notebook’s binding. And that’s it!


To being drawing the apple doodle, start as though you were drawing a heart, but instead of bringing it to a point at the bottom round it off.

All you have to do next is add a little curved rectangle on top of the apple to create the stem.

Now off a curved upside down triangle on the right side of the apple to create a light shadow.

There you go!

Four easy “Back to School Doodles”. These doodles are perfect to border your back to school events list, or upcoming assignments. You could use these doodles in many different ways. If you end up giving these a try tag me on social media @reflectingcreation so I can see how you put these doodles to use.

I hope you enjoyed doodling with me today. If you would like to receive a FREE monthly art print sign up to receive our weekly newsletter. Before you leave, don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest,  Instagram, and Twitter. Please, comment below letting me know what kind of art prints you would like to see for free.

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