Fall Watercolor Painting

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Fall is Here! So It’s Time to Paint Some Fall Scenery.

Today I will walk you through this “how to watercolor painting for beginners” and create a watercolor fall scene.

If you give this painting a try, you will be amazed at how easy it will come together. Whether you are practicing to grow your painting skills or are an accomplished artist this watercolor tutorial is for you!

Full Video Tutorial


You might also be interested in, How to Paint a Pumpkin with Watercolor.

Supply List:

  1. Watercolor paper
  2. Round paintbrush
  3. Flat paintbrush
  4. Watercolor paint (burnt sienna & ivory black)
  5. Washi/Painters tape
  6. Two cups of water
  7. Paper towel

Mixing Paint!

Before we begin painting we need to get our paint ready and into our mixing pallet. We will only be mixing two colors for this painting. How easy is that?!

  1. Create a light wash of Black Ivory. Use more water then paint to create a light grey paint mixture.
  2. Create a light wash of Burnt Sienna. Use more water then paint to create a light orange paint mixture.
  3. Create a light wash of Cobalt Blue. Use more water then paint to create a light blue paint mixture.

Step 1:

We are going to create a flat wash over the entire page for our first step. Load up your flat brush with the grey paint mixture and apply it evenly across the entire canvas.

If you’d like to learn more about flat washes check out, Watercolor Wash Techniques. In this post, you will learn how to create three beautiful watercolor washes. They are perfect for practicing with your watercolors, but they also make cute cards.

Wait for this layer to completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 1 Fall Scene

Step 2:

Add just a little bit of black paint to the grey paint mixture to make your paint slightly darker.

Dip your paintbrush into your paint, and begin painting in your mountain outline. Your mountain should begin one-fourth of the way down the canvas.

Once your mountain outline has been painted, paint in the rest of the canvas with the same paint color.

While the paint is still wet add a little bit of shadow to the mountain by adding a little more black paint to the grey paint mixture and tap in the darker paint along the top of the mountain.

Use the picture and video below as a guide.

Wait for this layer to completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 2 Fall Scene

Step 3:

Next, dip your round brush in the orange mixture and begin painting in trees slanting upwards across the canvas. The trees will end up covering half of the mountain.

How to paint the trees:

Paint a straight line where you’d like the tree to be. Begin at the top of the line and start tapping in paint moving outward.

Then at about a quarter way down switch to tapping the paint inward toward the base of the tree. This should create a circular/oval shape for the tree.

Wait for this layer to completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 3 Fall Scene

Step 4:

For our next layer of trees, we are going to add just a little bit of black paint with our orange mixture of paint. This is going to allow our next layer of trees to really stand apart from the first layer.

Test out your paint color on a scratch piece of paper before painting.

Dip your brush into your new dark mixture of paint, and begin painting your trees as we did a step earlier. Start on the left and work your way upward toward the right.

Wait for this layer to completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 4 Fall Scene

Step 5:

We are now going to add even more black paint to our orange paint mixture to really add depth to our new layer.

Again, test out your paint color on a scrap sheet of paper to compare it to the last layer to make sure there is a more drastic color difference.

Once your paint color is where you want it, dip your paintbrush in and begin painting in trees the way we did in step 3, but this time create different sized trees as your paint straight across instead of angling upwards.

Wait for this layer to completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Step 5 Fall Scene

Step 6:

To complete this painting we are going to paint in a black layer of trees.

Dip your flat bush into the black paint mixture and paint in a layer of back paint at the bottom of the canvas.

While the black paint is still wet begin painting in the black tress on top of the black paint layer as we did in earlier steps. And that’s it!

Step 6 Fall Scene

Congrats! You’re done!

You may also like, How to Paint Fall Trees.

I hope you enjoyed this how-to watercolor painting for beginners, fall scene tutorial.

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Check out, How to Paint a Fall Barn.

Hope to see you again real soon!

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