Easy Watercolor Christmas Cards | Mistletoe

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Today I am going to teach you how to paint an easy and quick watercolor Christmas card tutorial.

In just three easy steps you will be able to create festive watercolor mistletoe for a special Christmas card.

Let’s jump in, and see how it’s done!

Full video tutorial at the end of this post.

You may also like, Watercolor Christmas Ornaments Tutorial.

Supplies You’ll Need:

Watercolor Paper

Watercolor Paint

Round Paintbrushes


Two cups of Water

Paper towel

Paint Colors Used:

Alzarian Crimson

Sage Green + Ultramarine Blue

All of these colors can be found in this perfect beginner set of watercolor paints. This is the exact set I am using in the video above to create this painting. I highly recommend this product to you if you are looking for a beginner set of paints.

Step 1:

Begin by drawing one loose line down the center of your page, with two other lines branching off of the middle one.

Use the picture below as a guide.

These lines are going to be our guideline for where we are going to put the mistletoe leaves.

Step 2:

Using a light wash of Sage Green and Ultramarine Blue mixture, begin painting in leaves along the stems we drew earlier.

Each leaf should start at a point when touching the stem then form into a circular shape.

Step 3:

Now let’s add berries to the mistletoe!

You can use the picture below as a guide for where to place the berries or feel free to place the berries where you feel like there is dead space.

When you paint in the circles for the berries leave a little bit of white in each berry to give it a natural shine.

Step 4:

Lastly, we are going to add splatter to our entire painting!

Use a scratch sheet of paper to cover up the majority of the mistletoe, then load up your round brush with Alzarian Crimson paint and a lot of water and splatter it all over the page.

Let this step dry and you are done!

Congrats! You’re Done!

I hope you enjoyed painting this quick and easy watercolor mistletoe with me today!

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Full Video Tutorial!

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